The PPM Complete Management System (CMS)

PPM’s Complete Management System (CMS) is our all-inclusive parking solution, designed to deliver every aspect of modern comprehensive parking management and protection.
What is CMS?
We combine all of our services together in one complete solution, for clients who have sites experiencing multiple parking problems. Our modular offering gives flexibility, utilising the combination of our unique individual space management system, alongside the latest ANPR cameras, PPM Permits, and the professional approach of our mobile warden patrols.
This ensures that all vehicles that choose to park on your site, do so correctly and within the terms and conditions outlaid in the signage.
With CMS you will also have the opportunity to manage your permit needs virtually with PPM Permit. Our bespoke reporting portal I-Report, will provide access to a range of reports at your fingertips, such as numbers of vehicles, average dwell time etc. Proving to be a valuable management tool, enabling informed, timely decisions based on accurate data.
Our professional wardens are trained to the highest industry standards, including areas such as customer service and conflict management and are readily visible, which can act as a natural deterrent.


Lily Hill House, Lily Hill Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2SJ